Derrick Pierce - 道 & 仲 & 師志尊霊操忠

Derrick Pierce's right arm band (on the left picture)
It reads "michi" (道) and means "road" or "way."

The next one is on his right chest (on the right picture).
It reads "naka" (仲) and means relationship, most often between people.

Around his right wrist. This one is rather new and you do not see it before 2010.
I do not even know where to start. It is a ring! Besides, the word is quite gibberish.
At first, I thought he wants to show words with pronounce "shi" (師 and 志), but then the next kanji is 尊, which is pronounced "son." My guess failed at the point.
WTF. Knowing the words meaningless, let me start with "師" (shi). It means a teacher or a master. "志" (shi) means wish or ambition. "尊" (son) means to respect someone/something. "霊" (rei) means ghost spirit as also appeared on Marcus London. "操" (sou) means to manipulate, manage or to send out. "忠" (chuh) means to be royal. WTH.